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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Node { int data; struct Node* next; }; struct Node* head;
// 在链表头节点插入一个值为x的节点
void Insert(int x){ struct Node* temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); temp->data = x; temp->next = head; // if(head != NULL)temp->next = head;
head = temp; }
// 迭代法实现反转列表
struct Node* Reverse1(struct Node* head){ struct Node *Current,*Prev,*next; Current = head; Prev = NULL; while(Current != NULL){ next = Current->next; Current->next = Prev; Prev = Current; Current = next; } head = Prev; return head; }
// 递归法实现反转列表
void Reverse2(struct Node* p){ if(p->next ==NULL){ head = p; return; } Reverse2(p->next); struct Node* q = p->next; q->next = p; p->next = NULL; }
// 链表内指定区间反转 调试好了
struct Node* reverseBetween(struct Node* head, int m, int n ) { // write code here
if(head == NULL)return head; if(head->next == NULL)return head; if(m == n)return head; struct Node *Current,*Prev,*next,*start,*start_last; int i; Current = head; Prev = NULL; next = NULL; // 先找到开始位置
for (i=1; i<m; i++) { next = Current->next; // Current->next = Prev;
Prev = Current; Current = next; } // 标记
start_last = Prev; start = Current; // 反转
for (i=0; i<(n-m+1); i++) { next = Current->next; Current->next = Prev; Prev = Current; Current = next; } // 头尾节点重指向
if(start != head){ start->next = next; start_last->next = Prev;//start!=head的情况下,需要保留start上一个指针
} else { start->next = next; head = Prev;//start==head的情况下,直接将head指向待反转的最后一个
} return head; }
void Print(){ struct Node* temp = head; printf("List is:"); while(temp){ printf("%d",temp->data); temp = temp->next; } printf("\n"); }
void Print2(struct Node*p){ if(p ==NULL){ printf("\n"); return; } // 正序打印
// printf("%d",p->data);
// Print2(p->next);
// 反转打印
printf("%d",p->data); Print2(p->next); }
int main(){ head = NULL; int n,x,i; printf("Please input the number of node:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i = 0;i<n;i++){ printf("Please input the value of Node:\n"); scanf("%d",&x); Insert(x); Print(); } head = Reverse1(head); printf("Reverse linked list is:\n"); Print();
Reverse2(head); printf("Reverse linked list is:\n"); Print(); // head = reverseBetween(head,2,4);
// Print();
// printf("Print2 linked list is:\n");
// Print2(head);
// char name[100];
// printf("What is your name?\n");
// scanf("%s",name);
// printf("Hello,%s,nice to meet you!\n",name);